The international journal LOGISTICS RESEARCH - certified C-Journal - is published by BVL. The first print edition appeared in March 2009.
The mission of the journal is to create an interdisciplinary, cross-sector platform for the publication of scientific articles of a high standard. These articles should be geared towards increasing and expanding the knowledge of the worldwide research community in the fields of logistics and supply chain management. Manuscripts in English are double-blind reviewed by the international Editorial Board of the journal and editorially supervised through to actual publication.
One of the core goals of LOGISTICS RESEARCH is to underpin scientific communication and the status of relevant research both within the logistics community and in the public arena - as well as to promote the recognition and profile of this field and its research work to the "outside world", vis-à-vis the more established sciences and in countries where German and other European activities in this area have been under-publicised to date.
Scientists and researchers, postdocs and PhD candidates are invited to submit their manuscripts from the fields of business management science, other areas of economic and social science, engineering, IT or operations research for review. Via the online portal, they can also view rough drafts and "workshop" notes before formally submitting contributions and request comments regarding their suitability for inclusion in LOGISTICS RESEARCH. We do not charge any fee for publication or submission to the authors.
At irregular intervals, special issues are introduced and published.
At the moment, the Special Issue Digital_Transformation_in_Transport_and_Logistics is open for submission.
Logistics Research (Akronym LoRe) ist seit dem Jahr 2024 eine Partnerschaft mit Emerald Publishing Services (EPS) eingegangen (