Logistics Research is the international medium for the publication of academic research in the field of logistics from an interdisciplinary perspective spanning from logistics management to logistics engineering. It publishes original logistics research of high quality, which will have a significant impact on logistics theory and practice.
Logistics Research solicits, evaluates and publishes through a rigorous double-blind peer review process empirical and conceptual work advancing the development of logistics theory and innovative logistics practices as well as the integration of the various associated disciplines such as management and social sciences, economics, behavioral sciences, operations research, informatics, and other relevant engineering sciences.
Special focus is placed on the dissemination of such work within the international community of researchers, academics, and practitioners interested in and dealing with logistics. This is achieved through a combination of high standards in content and simultaneous effort to assure applicability, accessibility and readability beyond the research community.
These goals are achieved through an Editorial Review Board, which represents the various contributing scientific disciplines to logistics.