Logistics Research features fundamental and applied research in the fields of logistics and supply chain management from an interdisciplinary perspective. Logistics Research publishes original papers with theory-based empirical studies, quantitative model application studies and technical innovations in the domain of logistics. Special focus is placed on the dissemination of such work within the international community of researchers, academics, and practitioners interested in and dealing with logistics applications. This is achieved through a combination of high standards in content and simultaneous effort to assure applicability, accessibility and readability beyond the research community. It facilitates the interchange of information across disciplines while providing a forum for new technologies, management systems and insights into all facets of logistics.
Logistics Research focuses on interdisciplinary methods of logistics management and engineering. The journal welcomes high-quality manuscripts utilising a wide range of methodologies to investigate logistical issues in individual companies, logistics systems, or countries with multi-disciplinary and cross-functional approaches. We have a particular interest in emerging, cross-cutting and cross-functional topics that have the potential to shape logistics going forward (e.g., new delivery technology, new applications, new solution methods).
Logistics Research seeks theoretically grounded, empirical and conceptual, quantitative and qualitative original research studies in logistics, distribution, engineering, operations and supply chain management, and associated logistics issues. Papers without a clear application and no distinctive demonstration of the impact on logistics management and engineering are considered out of scope and not suitable for Logistics Research.
Subjects include, but are not limited to:
Management theories and social science applied to logistics systems
Quantitative methods and decision support systems in logistics
Technical logistics and logistics engineering
AI, information and communication technology in logistics