Despite many crises, logistics is once again looking more confidently into the future
Commentary on the Logistics Indicator Q4 2024
The BVL Logistics Indicator for the 4th quarter has been published. Together with PwC, BVL is presenting an extended commentary for the first time, for which numerous structured interviews were conducted with members of the BVL Advisory Board and the Executive Board. Both the figures and the opinions are surprising: the logistics sector as a whole is once again looking more confidently into the future. The values for business expectations are rising and have clearly decoupled from the current poor business situation.
Dr. Peter Kauschke, Director Transport, Logistics & Mobility at PwC Germany: “The perception of a slightly improved business climate according to the BVL Logistics Indicator may be surprising in view of the ongoing negative news from business and politics. However, a differentiated look at industry, trade and logistics services shows that many companies are already adjusting to the new normal of geopolitical uncertainty, volatile markets and a weak economy. This explains why logistics is once again looking more confidently into the future - despite times of crisis.”
Thomas Schnur, Director for Logistics, Strategy and Transformation at PwC Germany recommends: "In their planning, companies should evaluate possible alternative courses of action based on scenarios along selected dimensions. In particular, they should take three scenarios into account in their actions: 1. Geopolitical escalation versus relaxation, particularly with regard to current developments in the Middle East and Ukraine, but also with regard to Taiwan; 2. Extensive or less extensive trade barriers by the new US administration; 3. Effective or less effective impulses from a new federal government to increase domestic investment."
Christoph Meyer, Managing Director of BVL: "The situation in the logistics sector remains challenging. After the many crises of the past few years, however, we can see that most companies have adapted to the volatile situation and have generally become more resilient. Current and future crises can thus be mastered better and are no longer perceived as such a threat. In order for things to really improve, however, we need good framework conditions in Germany so that logistics can continue to operate. The greatest uncertainty factor remains the geopolitical situation. Will we see a calming down or further escalation in the Middle East and Ukraine? Companies in the logistics sector should keep a close eye on this."